As I work through building the new web site I had a chance to sit back and think about the other things that the LMFRF was involved in. Some things will bring back memories, some things are gone, and some things will change with the future. Here are a few things we’ve done that are not mentioned anywhere else:
- We made a donation to building the new park nature center in memory of Kristy Silvie.
- We paid to have a new sign put in the upper footbridge parking lot kiosk when the old one was too faded to read.
- We realized that of all the signs on the river, the kiosk in that upper parking lot was the only one people would read. So we got the ODWC to put up all the new kiosks with the regulations on them.
- We started the push to get the Handicap Access bridges built at the bottom of the Evening Hole and at Beavers Bend Fly Shop.
- We paid to have the wooden footbridges fixed which was a nice upgrade – until the flood washed them away.
- We got the ODWC to put up six boot washing stations at all the kiosks to slow the spread of didymo (rock snot). Yes, there is still only one after four years.
- We got the park to mark all the hiking trails with GPS markers for the lost and hurt.
- We supported U.S. Forestry in getting the “No Glass Containers” law passed for down in Zone III.